Looking for relevant literature

  1. Use relevant Data Base (Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus)
  2. Search using keywords -> while searching you will identify more relevant ones
  3. Ask your supervisor or more senior collages for some references to start with
  4. Find one paper/author that is close in relation to your work/interests and look at the cited literature
  5. When identifying proper literature – look for the journal and senior Author (but do not overestimate this information). Are the authors of the paper known in the field?
  6. For quick screening – read the abstract and look at the figures: are those useful?
  7. Try to find the “source article”, not citation of citation….
  8. Depending on the topic, but usually look for recent papers
  9. When you are redirected many times from one article to another to find proper information:
    • This means that topic is difficult
    • Ask (senior) collage for help
    • Make new search to go out from the “loop”