Keynote lecture/speaker – usually given by well-establish researcher, establishes a main or leading theme of the session or conference Invited lecture/speaker –
Plenary lecture/session – lecture held on the plenary session, part of the bigger conference, with breakout sessions. Dedicated to all attendees of conference (joined session)
Invited lecture – the talk was given by the scientist invited by the conference organizers
Selected presentation – the talk was chosen by the committee, usually based on the submitted abstracts
Rapid-fire session – usually for multiple presenters (e.g. 7-10 people) to give ca. 3 minutes talk (sometimes + 2 minutes Q/A) about their work, in some cases, presenters can have also a poster during the same conference
Poster – also, chosen by the committee, usually based on the submitted abstracts, sometimes the possibility of presenting your work instead of oral form